[ubuntu-uk] wacom bamboo

daveg at boavon.plus.com daveg at boavon.plus.com
Mon Jun 15 22:39:40 BST 2009

I mentioned in an earlier post that there was a reasonable article in the
July edition of LINUX Format covering a little about I think the sort of
problems you are experiencing. Editing the xorg.conf gets the erasure,
buttons and circular pad working.  Also within GIMP
these features must be mapped to keystrokes which is done using wacompcpl
tool, included apparantly in the linuxwacom package or available at

According to the article and the accompanying text file on the DVD the
following lines should be added to the ServerLayout section of the
xorg.conf file:

InputDevice   "stylus"  "SendCoreEvents"

InputDevice   "cursor"  "SendCoreEvents"

InputDevice   "eraser"  "SendCoreEvents"

InputDevice   "pad"    "SendCoreEvents"

The following lines should be added to the end of xorg.conf file:

 Driver   "wacom"
 Identifier "stylus"
 Option   "Device"  "/dev/input/wacom"
 Option   "Type"   "stylus"
 Option   "USB"    "on"


 Driver   "wacom"
 Identifier "eraser"
 Option   "Device"  "/dev/input/wacom"
 Option   "Type"   "eraser"
 Option   "USB"    "on"


Section "InputDevice"
 Driver   "wacom"
 Identifier "cursor"
 Option   "Device"  "/dev/input/wacom"
 Option   "Type"   "cursor"
 Option   "USB"    "on"


Section "InputDevice"
 Driver   "wacom"
 Identifier "pad"
 Option   "Device"  "/dev/input/wacom"
 Option   "Type"   "pad"
 Option   "USB"    "on"
 Option   "Button1"  "6"
 Option   "Button2"  "7"
 Option   "Button3"  "4"
 Option   "Button4"  "5"


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