[ubuntu-uk] card reader not recognised

Norman Silverstone norman at littletank.org
Wed Jul 22 14:41:44 BST 2009

> >> You should be able to "select all" from the edit menu and then copy
> >> and paste again into the pastebin.
> >
> > Sorry about that but that is what I did.  Do you want me to try again?
> >
> Please.

I set about to do this and checked before sending the copy of the log
that all the lines had been copied. However, when I looked at what had
been sent only the first few hundred lines were there. So, starting
again I decided to send only the last hundred or so lines and, whilst I
was waiting for the log to build up, the card reader mounted and the
expected message and icon appeared. However, the mouse now no longer
worked and to get things back working I needed to re-boot the machine.

I will remove the mouse and keyboard from the USB connections and
connect them, using an adapter, to the other mouse and keyboard ports. I
will disconnect all the other usb items, re-boot the machine, plug in
the card reader and follow the log. When this has been done I will be


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