[ubuntu-uk] Remote start torrents

danattwood danattwood at googlemail.com
Tue Jul 21 14:25:00 BST 2009

Rob Beard wrote:
> javadayaz wrote:
>>  vuze is probably not as lightweight as the other clients namely 
>> ktorrent, utorrent and transmission.? plus i will be using my android 
>> phone to start any torrent..which has a transmission app...so 
>> transmission would be preferable!
> Fair enough, you might want to have a look at TorrentFlux then.  It's a 
> PHP torrent client.  It was lightweight enough to run on my old Athlon 
> server and from what I remember it was fairly easy to setup.
> Otherwise, I guess Transmission might be your only hope.
> Rob
I use torrentflux and it's very good. I use the webgui on it all the 
time and see now reason why it wouldn't work on an android phone. Plus 
their website has some pretty good documentation to help get you started

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