[ubuntu-uk] How to update Xubuntu 7.04.

Tony Harrison tony at mitsy.co.uk
Sun Jul 19 10:05:08 BST 2009

I have followed that up to the modprobe bit. It says 'FATAL: Module
pata_cs5535.ko not found.'. The command issued was /sbin/modprobe
pata_cs5535.ko. The .ko file is in /lib/modules/2v6v28-11-generic

Cannot work out from google what I am doing wrong there.

Alan Pope wrote:
> 2009/7/18 Tony Harrison <tony at mitsy.co.uk>:
>> Thanks for that, it was the pci=noacpi I had forgot to do. Xubuntu then
>> failed while booting anyway, something about X terminal I think it was? But
>> I made a new usb stick with ubuntu server on which installed but it would
>> only give me the option to install it to the usb stick rather than the HDD.
>> Do I need to use a CD-rom drive to install to the HDD?
> That's also covered on the same wiki page :)
> The driver for the hard drive controller isn't in the kernel that you
> get with an ubuntu install. I filed a bug but it's not been fixed.
> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/318805 is
> the bug report.
> I have put the module needed:-
> http://popey.com/~alan/viglen/2.6.27-7-generic_pata_cs5535.ko   for
> 2.6.27 (for Ubuntu 8.10)
> http://popey.com/~alan/viglen/2.6.28-11-generic_pata_cs5535.ko  for
> 2.6.28 (for Ubuntu 9.04)
> Grab the one for the version of Ubuntu you're installing and rename it
> to pata_cs5535.ko.
> What I had to do was boot the USB stick, then (before the partitioning
> section, but after the network comes up) switch to a terminal (ALT+F4)
> and the scp from another machine over the network, then modprobe it to
> load it into memory, then switch back to the installer (ALT+F1) and
> continue.
> If that doesn't make sense, let me know.
> Cheers,
> Al.
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