[ubuntu-uk] Uncorrectable audio filenames

Neil Greenwood neil.greenwood.lug at gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 11:51:10 BST 2009

2009/7/17 Rowan Berkeley <rowan.berkeley at googlemail.com>:
> Regarding my problem with uncorrectable audio filenames, here is a
> closely related blog post:
> "I recently noticed that Rhythmbox was behaving strangely when reading
> the ID3 tags of my MP3 collection. No matter what ID3 tag editor I used
> to try to correct the issue, Rhythmbox appeared to be displaying tag
> information that didn’t seem to match any of the values they should be.
> Artist names would not appear as I set them. Track numbers and genres
> would display as blank values. I decided to use “strings” to take a look
> inside the MP3’s and find out what’s going on. It turns out my MP3’s
> were double tagged with v1 metadata and it was screwing up Rhythmbox..."
> ( http://www.savvyadmin.com/rhythmbox-id3-tag-issues/ )
> It seems possible that this is my problem also. I can observe and
> change ID3v2, ID3v1 and even APE tags if present, by running my external
> hard drive on my old Windows machine and using WinAmp's capacity to view
> and change the file info (the metadata). However, I would like to be
> able to observe and change this info right here in my Ubuntu machine.
> Unfortunately, I cannot figure out the correct syntax for the "strings"
> commands in the terminal; whatever I try I just get > on the next line
> (even when it reports no syntax error, e.g., when I have carefully put
> the entire filepath in single quotation marks). Can someone please give
> me examples of string search commands for strings at head and tail of,
> e.g., '/media/New Volume/My Music/artist (year) - album/01 - track.mp3',
> and also examples of how to change these values, by re-entering them
> with duplicated tags removed, if these are in fact present? Thanks.
> --
> ubuntu-uk at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk
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Hi Rowan,

I get a > prompt when I use single quotes and the file name has an
apostrophe in it. I sorted this out by using double quotes around the
file name and just using the single quote for the apostrophe, like so:

strings "/cygdrive/l/media/Eurythmics/Ultimate Collection/01 - I've
got a life.oga"

However, this gives me nearly 59000 strings, some of them being
duplicates, so you'll need to pipe the output to a filter or redirect
it to a file and filter it from there, e.g.

strings "filename" > file-strings.txt

strings "filename" | sort | uniq > file-strings.txt

The latter command will give you a sorted list with duplicate values
removed. It removed nearly 1000 from my file.

IIRC, you might be able to select which type of tag EasyTag
edits/writes, but I'm not at a machine where I can run EasyTag at the



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