[ubuntu-uk] where Ubuntu falls short

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 08:39:04 BST 2009

On 17/07/09 08:29, Rob Beard wrote:
> Rowan Berkeley wrote:
>> However, on my new machine, a 'Linux Emporium' Lenovo N-500 running
>> Ubuntu 9.04, there are no problems at all. I would say that Ubuntu falls
>> short in its applications clients, notably the music player and
>> e-mailer.
> What E-Mail application and Music Player are you using?
> Maybe someone could suggest alternatives?
> I personally use Thunderbird myself.

Yep. I use Thunderbird (am currently using the developer release for 
TB3) and Lightning (The Calendaring extension).

For music I use Songbird. It is based on the Mozilla Gecko engine and is 
extremely extensible. There are lots of plugins etc. It isn't perfect, 
podcast support is missing currently but on the roadmap, but it is 
pretty good IMHO.



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