[ubuntu-uk] Windows 7 same as Ubuntu........

Liam Proven lproven at gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 02:39:20 BST 2009

2009/7/16 Robert Flatters <robert.flatters at googlemail.com>:
> Well i have down loaded installed Window 7 RC 7100 and at first glance yes
> there seems to be a likeness to  quite a few Linux OS's and for that matter
> Mac OS X as well, but i think Micro$oft have learned from their failing of
> Vista.  So what i would say is to the Linux guy they better wake up cos this
> thing may be out to kick ass.

Oh, absolutely, yes.

But for all that it's shiny and pretty, and its wizards and help and
things might assist many technophobic beginners, it's big,
heavyweight, slow, and relatively expensive. It's also not
particularly secure - it's actually a step backwards compared to

There is a chance for Linux, but it's a very tough battle ahead.
Unfortunately, I think the bad experiences of hundreds of thousands of
people with Linux netbooks will put them off for a long time to come.

Liam Proven • Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/liamproven
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