[ubuntu-uk] remove watermark from image

Daniel Drummond dmdrummondx at gmail.com
Tue Jul 14 22:17:50 BST 2009

Sean Miller wrote:
> If you don't have the original image then you probably aren't legally
> entitled to remove the watermark.
> It's as simple as that...
> If you work for a company, as you say you do, and they've asked you to
> re-engineer the picture then ask them for the original rather than the
> watermarked version.
> If you don't... well, find something better to do with your life than
> bootlegging folks' images.
> Sean

And there I thought the principles of law operated on an innocent until 
proven guilty basis. 

Perhaps he accidentally deleted the original.

Perhaps the photograph in question was watermarked with a website name, 
but then the website changed name, and the only image is the one on the 

Perhaps a company lost the original.

Perhaps an ex-employee of the company took the photo on company time, 
for the company, and when fired for surfing the internet too much during 
company time left on bad terms and decided to take the original with 
them.  Technically the company owns the photograph, but would be left 
without the original.

Lets not pre-judge reasons for wanting to remove a watermark.  It could 
be legitimate.


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