[ubuntu-uk] Film scanning

David Jones djones.dancol at googlemail.com
Mon Jul 13 20:06:33 BST 2009

I have an Epson 1240U which is an old scanner, that came with an 
attachment for film scanning.  Effectively, I take the lid off the 
scanner change it for a film scanning unit and that highlights the are 
that the film negative is and directs the scanning light through it.

I've never tried using it on Ubuntu, but it may be worth keeping an eye 
out for a scanner that had a specific film scanning attachment.


Matt Jones wrote:
> I have been volunteered to help my gran to scan all her old
> slides/negatives etc for safekeeping and as a way of getting cheaper
> prints. My current scanner isn't up to the task, despite working
> beautifully with Ubuntu. Does anyone have any recommendations for a
> suitable unit that will work out of the box? It needs to deliver a
> reasonable quality and also cope with quite a lot of material! Cost
> isn't too important, but sub £100 would be nice, used is fine if they
> don't make the model anymore.
> Thanks in advance,
> Matt.

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