[ubuntu-uk] Nvidia-legacy drivers on Jaunty
Liam Proven
lproven at gmail.com
Mon Jul 13 14:55:30 BST 2009
2009/7/13 David Jones <djones.dancol at googlemail.com>:
> I'm not sure whether the drivers in Jaunty will work with a TNT2 card,
Well, I looked up which ones would work first.
> thats slightly older than the Geforce2 cards I've got in my laptop and
> desktop and for both of them I can't get 3D working, hardware drivers
> tool doesn't detect that an nvidia card is installed so won't
> automatically check for a better driver.
Did you check to see what driver you need? nVidia's now are split into
about 4 or 5 editions.
> The machines both work fine using the standard nv driver, I'm just
> unable to enable desktop effects.
I also found things like window dragging and resizing to be very slow
and jerky with nv.
> There is a bug filed about this, whether its the same problem, I'm not
> sure. The bug I've filed
> ishttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/jockey/+bug/363380
May I suggest that you check which drivers you need first?
Go to nVidia's website:
Enter your model of GPU. Pick Linux 32-bit (assuming that's what
you're running.)
For my Riva TNT2, I picked "legacy" as it's not in any other category.
This took me to here:
So I need the v71.86.11 drivers.
So I went into Synaptic and searched for "nvidia-glx". This shows all
the nVidia drivers. I just picked v71, installed it and rebooted.
But you need to install the right one. Try it!
Liam Proven • Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/liamproven
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