[ubuntu-uk] Open with... WHAT?

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Sat Jul 11 12:54:05 BST 2009

On 11/07/09 11:05, Paul Webster wrote:
> Dear Alan

Hi Paul,

> As the UK-Ubuntu list seems to be a spaghetti-like state at the moment
> (so it seems to me), I thought I'd send my reply to your kind advice
> directly to you, as you may not have seen it through the jungle (to
> switch metaphors).

I saw your reply but didn't have anything further to add at the time and 
have been quite busy.

I don't particularly mind you mailing me directly, but others might not 
be so agreeable. We are all people like you and seek and offer knowledge 
freely. But sometimes we prefer to keep it just to the list and not go 

It also breaks the thread and means anyone else reading/searching for 
the same issue will not find a possible solution.

> I'm not using any email client. I am downloading attachments from gmail
> using Firefox. That's why the .doc/.rtf/.pdf. files I wrote about appear
> in a downloads window, waiting to be opened (except for .pdf, which gets
> opened automatically).

In a very *similar* way to Thunderbird, look in 


PS: I've sent this to the list for archival purposes.

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