[ubuntu-uk] Can't move panels, oh, and why does Firefox crash so much?

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Sat Jul 4 10:50:05 BST 2009

On 04/07/09 10:40, Paul Webster wrote:
> Hi
> How to put this tactfully: No one ever answered my question about why
> panels cannot, in fact, be dragged to new locations... (They can't on my
> screen, anyway).

Hi Paul,

If you right click on the panel and look at the properties, there is a 
drop down for the panel's orientation. You can put it on any of the 4 
sides of your display.

I know it isn't quite dragging but it achieves the same thing I guess.

> Also, does anyone else find that Firefox 3 0 11 freezes rather often? It
> is then hard to shut down, despite using the Force Quit button. It seems
> to quit, but when I try to restart it, it claims to be still running and
> a restart of the computer is said to be the solution. In fact it can be
> forced to shut down in System Monitor.

I'm on Ubuntu 9.04 and do not experience these symptoms. I usually have 
20+ tabs open at anyone time too.

We'll need some more info to be able to help you. Version of Ubuntu, 
what spec is your computer, e.g. RAM, Processor, graphics card etc would 
be a good start.


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