[ubuntu-uk] Problems with Conduit Synchroniser

David Jones djones.dancol at googlemail.com
Wed Jul 1 14:19:14 BST 2009

Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:
> Running Ubuntu 9.04 I have installed Conduit Synchroniser. Only it
> doesn't. Synchronise that is.
> I set up the two folders, check "two-way synchronisation" and click on
> "Synchronise". After Conduit reports that synchronisation on both
> folders has finished and is OK, there are files on one side that have
> NOT been replicated on the other.
> These are documents, not system files.
> Can anyone throw any light on why these files should NOT have been
> replicated?
I've no idea about that package or the problem, but if its just two 
folders on two different machines that you want to synchronise, you 
could consider dropbox, that effectively gives you a way of having a 
folder on a computer that synchronises via the web with any number of 
machines.  Its cross platform, i use the windows & linux versions to 
sync between 6 different machines.  If I change one file on one machine, 
it gets updated to the web, and the other machines update for it next 
time they have a web connection.


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