[ubuntu-uk] Locking down Firefox settings

Chris Rowson christopherrowson at gmail.com
Thu Jan 29 19:19:26 GMT 2009

> Hi folks,
> I was wondering if anyone knew how to lock down the settings on Firefox
> on Ubuntu 8.04?
> Basically I'm nearly done setting up an LTSP Server and I want to make
> sure that no one who logs on can fiddle with the settings.  I've got
> Tinyproxy and Dansguardian installed and working but only if I manually
> specify the proxy settings.  I found something about entering some
> settings in /usr/lib/firefox/firefox.cfg which I have entered (details
> here: http://m.linuxjournal.com/article/9044) but I'm finding I can
> enable and disable the Firefox proxy settings and alter the rest of the
> settings as I please.
> I did try Firehol to force the proxy transparently but it stopped the
> LTSP clients from booting unless I enabled a whole lot of ports on the
> Firehol configuration (I got so far but got stuck on the nbd ports).
> Just wondering if anyone knows how to do this?
> Ta,
> Rob
Hiya Rob,

I've not tried locking down FF before but I did jot down some documentation
about how to set up a transparent proxy for a community wireless network.
The same should apply to your LAN too. Go to
http://www.justuber.com/publicwifi:public_wireless_internet_access and check
out the transparent proxy bit.

As I recall, it lets traffic on any other than port 80 go on to it's
destination, but redirects port 80 through the content filtering.

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