[ubuntu-uk] So, would you vote for them? (see The Reg)

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk
Wed Jan 28 10:27:45 GMT 2009

Quoting Roger Lancefield <rlancefield at gmail.com>:

>> > Oh, dear.  Does this mean we're going to have to vote Tory???
>> >
>> > Mac
>> >
>> Can't be much worse than voting for NuLabour.
> Given their antediluvian view of Internet freedom, their conniving with Big
> Content to turn our digital devices into proprietary media players, their
> assumption that the state has a right to view and/or control any and all
> digital data created within national borders (including video recorded
> within your own bedroom), their regular attempts to "seed the nation" with
> the idea that blogs and personal web sites should be "regulated", and their
> determination to reduce personal liberty in general .... amen to that!
> But hey, lest the discussion turn political... ;)

I invoke Godwins Law... [0]


[0] saves having to wait for another 200 posts and a flamewar on this  
subject before someone uses the N word... :oP

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace
matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk

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