[ubuntu-uk] Im buying a new phone!! How compatible are android and Ubuntu?

Simon Wears munkyjunky at googlemail.com
Mon Jan 26 16:04:32 GMT 2009

I got an iphone a few weeks ago. Best phone ever, definately worth the  

Sent from my iPhone

On 26 Jan 2009, at 15:43, javadayaz <javadayaz at gmail.com> wrote:

> what about the G2 or the android v2 aka cupcake? would that be worth
> waiting for!!!!?
> 2009/1/26 John Levin <john at technolalia.org>:
>> javadayaz wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Its that time of the year again where i get a new phone. Im thinking
>>> of going with the andorid. How compatible are the two systems, since
>>> they are both open source?
>> If you get a T-Mobile gphone, be prepared to be disappointed. The
>> Bluetooth API doesn't work which makes things more difficult than  
>> they
>> should be; the phone can be mounted via usb, but integrating the data
>> isn't the simplest thing.
>> Frankly, if I was getting a new phone, I'd go the apple route.  
>> Android/
>> t-mobile has been a real letdown.
>> John
>> --
>> John Levin
>> http://www.technolalia.org/blog/
>> --
>> ubuntu-uk at lists.ubuntu.com
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> -- 
> Javad
> -- 
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