[ubuntu-uk] Remote support was Sad but true? From the Register

Ian Pascoe softy.lofty.ilp at btinternet.com
Sun Jan 18 10:19:08 GMT 2009

Well, it seems that an acorn has been planted.

I agree that crawling needs to be successfully accomplished before any
walking, and a proof of concept seems to be the order of the day.

If this concept does get raised in the next UK meeting on IRC, can someone
let me have the URL for the conversations afterwards as I personally don't

If things go for a positive slant, I'll add something to the UK Ideas page.


-----Original Message-----
From: ubuntu-uk-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
[mailto:ubuntu-uk-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com]On Behalf Of Matthew Daubney
Sent: 17 January 2009 20:18
To: British Ubuntu Talk
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] Remote support was Sad but true? From the

A few comments inline

On Sat, 2009-01-17 at 15:11 +0000, Ian Pascoe wrote:
> Johnathon, et al,

> About a year or two ago, discussions were held here about providing some
> sort of support package from the UK loco, but got bogged down for one
> or another.  This idea of setting up a hosted VPN server could be a way to
> provide the remote support that we were finding difficult to arrange.

I must have missed these discussions, but shall raise a point about the
VPN thing at the end.

> Anyone fancy trying to set up such a project to see if it both works and
> workable?

I'd be interested in helping out a little bit where I could.

> Maybe set up a server at someones place for testing purposes, and if all
> works well there see if those nice people at Bitfolk, or whoever does the
> podcast mirrors, could loan us an account for a period of time whilst
> go on?  Or maybe a bit of space on a Cononical server?
> If all works out, extend the server capabilities to host an iPBX and a CRM
> (Customer Relationship Management) tool like SugarCRM, I think, and an
> instant Ubuntu Support Service is formed.  Now if you really wanted to get
> onto the bandwagon, get a duplicate setup in the States, Europe and
> elsewhere connected together and hey presto!  something that no one else
> but is cost effective and a real boon to the Community.  Hmm, better stop
> there, beginning to go the realms of fantasy!
> It'd certainly make things a lot easier to do as there wouldn't be
> with security, bandwidth or such like.

This last point of yours raises a point I wanted to raise (point.) If
you offer these remote VPN support things, how can you both generate
enough trust from the people you're helping, and enough trust in the
volunteers helping out not to abuse their position?

I can understand where your coming from with this, and I am fully in
support of the idea, I just think this trust issue may need some looking
at first.

Another thing is, would you just go into peoples machines and fix it, or
would you provide information on what you're doing to fix things, or
prompt people to do things and watch, just giving a slight nudge when
they go wrong?

While just fixing things is what some people want, some level of
education should be involved (I believe anyway) so that if it happens
again they can fix it themselves.

Just a few points to think about, otherwise I fully support the idea!

-Matt Daubney

ubuntu-uk at lists.ubuntu.com

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