[ubuntu-uk] Beards and sandals

piskie ubuntu at talktalk.net
Fri Jan 16 14:03:52 GMT 2009

Ta - done that now :)

Hope to get there and say hello


Alan Pope wrote:
> 2009/1/16 piskie <ubuntu at talktalk.net>:
>> Well - that's all good then, from an off the cuff remark I also find
>> that the hants lug meeting is during the day - so I might manage it
>> after all, if I can work out how to get my name on the door list :)
> http://hants.lug.org.uk/lurker/message/20090115.162811.184c8344.en.html
> Has the details. Sorry it's not more clear.
> Cheers,
> Al.

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