[ubuntu-uk] Beards and sandals

piskie ubuntu at talktalk.net
Fri Jan 16 13:25:51 GMT 2009

Well - that's all good then, from an off the cuff remark I also find
that the hants lug meeting is during the day - so I might manage it
after all, if I can work out how to get my name on the door list :)


Alan Pope wrote:
> 2009/1/16 David King <linuxman at avoura.com>:
>> I know what you mean about the beard and sandals. Just look at a picture
>> of Richard Stallman -- would you trust a man who looks like that to
>> create your OS?
> Danger Will Robinson! That way prejudice lies..
>> There is no reason why a person who is friendly with barbers should not
>> also be good with Ubuntu or running a LUG. I have never been to a LUG,
>> but mostly because I do not have the time, and their meetings take place
>> in the evening, when I am working.
> Ours take place on Saturdays. We very rarely have meetings during the
> evening because Hampshire is such a large county that it's difficult
> to get there and back in an evening and still have time to get stuff
> done. We run it from 10AM till about 5PM which gives plenty of time
> for chat, demos, fixing, some talks and even a beer and/or curry after
> if you're that way inclined.
>> Hopefully most people who want to use Ubuntu will see it and its users
>> in a positive light (regardless of facial hair and footwear).
> I'd suspect it's more about what you do than what you look like. I
> mean take the people flaming the poor woman with the Dell laptop. They
> might all be devastatingly good looking and visit the barber every
> week. This doesn't seem to stop them being obnoxious!
> Cheers,
> Al.

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