[ubuntu-uk] Beards and sandals (was: Hampshire)

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Fri Jan 16 12:54:40 GMT 2009

2009/1/16 David King <linuxman at avoura.com>:
> I know what you mean about the beard and sandals. Just look at a picture
> of Richard Stallman -- would you trust a man who looks like that to
> create your OS?

Danger Will Robinson! That way prejudice lies..

> There is no reason why a person who is friendly with barbers should not
> also be good with Ubuntu or running a LUG. I have never been to a LUG,
> but mostly because I do not have the time, and their meetings take place
> in the evening, when I am working.

Ours take place on Saturdays. We very rarely have meetings during the
evening because Hampshire is such a large county that it's difficult
to get there and back in an evening and still have time to get stuff
done. We run it from 10AM till about 5PM which gives plenty of time
for chat, demos, fixing, some talks and even a beer and/or curry after
if you're that way inclined.

> Hopefully most people who want to use Ubuntu will see it and its users
> in a positive light (regardless of facial hair and footwear).

I'd suspect it's more about what you do than what you look like. I
mean take the people flaming the poor woman with the Dell laptop. They
might all be devastatingly good looking and visit the barber every
week. This doesn't seem to stop them being obnoxious!


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