[ubuntu-uk] Sad but true? From the Register

Graham Binns graham at grahambinns.com
Fri Jan 16 10:59:37 GMT 2009

On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 03:34:16PM +0000, Ken Robson wrote:
>      US woman says Ubuntu can't access internet
>      <cid:part1.08010708.05090402 at robsonfamily.co.uk>

The follow up [1] from the station is pretty disheartening:

> Ubuntu fans read our story and linked to it on Linux fan message
> boards and other technology blogs.  By Thursday morning, several major
> technology websites featured WKOW's article on their front pages.
> That's also when the comments - many of them angry, rude, and hateful
> - started pouring in.
> Many Ubuntu users also wrote very personal attacks about the young
> lady who was having trouble using the operating system.  They called
> her "lazy," "a dumb girl," and "not worthy of a college degree."
> The young woman also contacted 27 News to report she's being harassed
> on her Facebook account by Ubuntu users.

To me that's made the Ubuntu community look like it's populated with
people who would be more at home in a playground. What happened to
"Humanity towards others," FFS?

 [1] http://www.wkowtv.com/Global/story.asp?S=9682258&nav=menu1362_2

Graham Binns | PGP Key: 4DAD18FA
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