[ubuntu-uk] Mac Frustration (was Remote support was Sad but true? etc.)

Sean Miller sean at seanmiller.net
Fri Jan 16 01:56:01 GMT 2009

On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 1:48 AM, Simon Wears <munkyjunky at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Usually I am wary of tempting people to switch, but since it's my mum I know
> Ubuntu will do exactly what she needs without any hiccups (well, non I can
> think of) since all she does is type up work things, and check her emails /
> look for holidays online. And I have to do all the technical work at home
> anyway, her switching would just mean I can actually say 'just type this and
> hit enter' rather than try remember how to do everything on Windows.


Anybody else find the rabid desire to be different from Apple to be
distinctly disconcerting??

Having grown up in a Unix/VT220 environment to find that there is no
ctrl key and everything is done differently is, to say the least,
rather "alien".  I mean, ctrl-c to cancel... been there since time and
memorium... how come Steve Jobs gets to redefine it?

Means that when folks ask me about switching to Macs, which people
seem to increasingly do, I am rather jaded.  I accept their positives
but I also am befuddled as to why they seem to have created for their
converts such a steep learning curve, forcing them to throw out
everything they are used to and buy into a completely different


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