[ubuntu-uk] Installing over Failed Upgrades

Ian Pascoe softy.lofty.ilp at btinternet.com
Sun Feb 15 09:49:08 GMT 2009


Many moons ago one of my boxes failed to upgrade from 7.01 to 7.10
properly - the Ubuntu installation runs OK-ish, but with extremely
unpredictable results; not really surprising.  This box is a dual boot with
XP, for which it is primarily used at the moment.

I'd like to install 8.04 in the place of the cracked Ubuntu installation.

What is the recommended way of doing this?  Note that the cracked
installation has no connectivity to the outside world so any changes needs
to be done from CD; the terminal bombs out unexpectedly so cannot be relied
on at present; network manager reports that there are no NICs installed - no
wi-fi cards on this desktop.



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