[ubuntu-uk] Restarting WLAN after Suspend - 9.10

Gordon gbplinux at gmail.com
Mon Dec 21 11:44:07 GMT 2009

Anthony Burton wrote:
> Gordon wrote:
>> I find that if I use Suspend, and the machine is in Suspend for longer
>> than a few minutes, the WLAN stops and I can't restart it without
>> restarting the machine.
>> I presume there's a Command I can issue to restart the WLAN, can some
>> kind person tell me what it is?
>> Thanks!
> Hi,
>  If I single click right-click the network manager, top right. then
> click the connection I wish to reset/reconnect. Network manager will do
> so, does this not work after your PC has been suspended?

No, it tells me "Device not ready".

> altenatively try
>     # sudo ifconfig eth0 up
>                 or
>     # sudo ifconfig eth0 down
> replacing eth0 with the right adpater.
> :-)

I'll give that a try!


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