[ubuntu-uk] Firefox force quit?

Jonathon Fernyhough j.fernyhough at gmail.com
Sun Dec 6 21:06:56 GMT 2009

2009/12/6 Dianne Reuby <pramclub at yahoo.co.uk>:
> Ever since Feisty I've had to use Force Quit to exit Firefox, and on
> every upgrade I've kept saying "Well, it is an oldish computer". Now
> I've upgraded to 9.10, with a new version of Firefox, on a fairly new
> machine, and the only thing that's changed is that on 9.10 the buttons
> are reversed so I keep clicking on Wait instead of close! :(
> Has anyone else had this problem?
> Dianne

Nope. Have you tried a starting in Safe Mode to see if it still
happens? Sounds like an extension making it hang...

$ firefox -safe-mode

If it doesn't hang with no extensions loaded start disabling likely
extensions (or disable all and re-enable one at a time) until you find
the culprit.


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