[ubuntu-uk] itunes and ubunto

Bruce Beardall bruce72 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 12 14:57:51 BST 2008

I haven't tried running iTunes on the latest version of Crossover Office but
from memory, the best you could hope for was to get it basically up and
running but from there on out, very buggy. You'd probably have more luck
running it on a virtualised Windows box (VM Ware / Virtual Box) but such
environments often have problems with USB devices so synchronising to your
iPod may be difficult. If you absolutely have to have iTunes, I'd imagine a
dual boot is your best option.
As for Linux software, I prefer Banshee.

On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 2:35 PM, Rob Beard <rob at esdelle.co.uk> wrote:

> London School of Puppetry wrote:
> > Hi there can anyone tell me if I can download itunes onto Ubuntu?
> >
> You can, but you would need something like Crossover Office.  You can
> download a trial version from http://www.codeweavers.com/
> Other than that you can try Wine, it may work although I don't have an
> iPod so I can't say if it will or not.
> If you're just looking to transfer music to an iPod rather than
> downloading music/videos from the iTunes online store you could try
> using Rhythmbox or Amarok (see here:
> http://www.simplehelp.net/2007/07/04/how-to-use-amarok-to-manage-your-ipod-in-ubuntu/
> )
> Hope this helps.
> Rob
> --
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