[ubuntu-uk] WTB: Ubuntu Laptop

Stephen O'Neill squid at thefloatingfrog.co.uk
Wed Sep 3 09:32:23 BST 2008

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Mac wrote:
> So in my view the risk is not worth the expense.  I have had one or two 
> failures within the first year, and Dell have fixed them for free.  But 
> the *very* few things I've had to get fixed myself within the next three 
> years have cost me nothing like insurance premium Dell charge. 
> (Actually, the only thing I can think of is a NIC that cost less than a 
> tenner.)

I cannot speak for Dell.

My girlfriend bought a Samsung laptop in around 2003. Nothing went wrong
in the first year, then in years 2 & 3 a problem with the screen
connector kept recurring, the onboard power supply socket needed
replacing, and the external power supply connector needed replacing twice.

None of these were through abuse, more design flaws (or revenue
generating features).

Anyway, our lack of expertise meant our local computer shop did the
repairs, the total probably coming to something in the order of £300.
Additionally I have had to replace the hard drive for her too.

But laptops are so much cheaper nowadays - back then she paid £900 for
this machine and it was middle of the road spec - so you would need to
take into account the value of the machine you are buying.

Plus, as noted, I'm not speaking for Dell and Mac rates them as being
far more reliable :)

- --
Stephen O'Neill
w: http://www.thefloatingfrog.co.uk/
e: squid at thefloatingfrog.co.uk
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