[ubuntu-uk] A Windows Mobile- Ubuntufied?

Javad Ayaz javadayaz at gmail.com
Mon Sep 1 10:10:18 BST 2008

well in answer to your quesiton about why....well since my contract is
up..this is the new phone being offered to me. I was just wondering if
ubuntu would run on it.  it has a 657mhz processor in there after all.

On 01/09/2008, Alan Pope <alan at popey.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 01, 2008 at 09:34:07AM +0100, Javad Ayaz wrote:
> >    Im taking delivery of a Samsung Omnia today which is running Windows
> >    Mobile. Up till now ive never used Windows mobile and have only
> experience
> >    with Symbian. BUT i have had experience with WINDOWS..so im dreading
> >    Windows Mobile. The viruses. The lags. The BSOD. So i was wondering if
> >    anyone has any experience in installing a Mobile version of ubuntu on
> a
> >    phone.
> >
> First question that springs to mind is "So why buy one?".
> >    I know ubuntu mobile exists but i dont think theres any easy way of
> >    installing it.
> >
> I have not seen Ubuntu Mobile run on any mobile phones. As I understand it,
> Ubuntu Mobile is designed for mobile internet devices such as the Samsung
> Q1, Nokia N800 or ASUS EEE PC (maybe not those specific devices, but
> devices
> of their ilk), not for mobile phones.
> Whilst it's possible to run something like Debian (and perhaps Ubuntu) on
> the Neo Freerunner, I suspect that most of that is due to the device being
> designed as Linux compatibile from the get-go. Other phones will be less
> Linux friendly.
> >    Eagerly awaiting your response on this....
> >
> Don't hold your breath. I dont anticipate Ubuntu Mobile running (and
> working) on _any_ phone (with the possible exception of the freerunner) in
> the next few months.
> Cheers,
> Al.
> --
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