[ubuntu-uk] Windows Vista Ultimate Edition

James Grabham jgrabham at googlemail.com
Tue Nov 18 00:15:55 GMT 2008

You could sell it on ebay, then donate some or all of the money to your
favourite FOSS project.  It is the easiest way to use it for some good in
the FOSS world as far as I can see.

On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 3:30 PM, Jai Harrison <jai at jaiharrison.com> wrote:

> Hey guys,
> So I just won a copy of Windows Vista Ultimate Edition in a prize draw
> and figured that it's no use to me as an Ubuntu user. I'm pretty sure
> that it's the retail version (not OEM) and was just wondering if
> anyone had any tips on how a FOSS user could get some value from it
> (e.g. sell it on and how I'd go about doing that or other ways of
> getting something from it).
> Jai "Venko" Harrison
> --
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