[ubuntu-uk] Fwd: Announcement: SpreadUbuntu 0.1 - codename “evan”

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Mon Nov 10 12:51:01 GMT 2008

2008/11/10 Paul Sutton <zleap at zleap.net>:
> I have a password for the shipit site, and a password for brainstorm, do
> i need another (but different) password for this site
> thanks for any   help


You don't, no. You can logon using your launchpad OpenID. You can find
your OpenID url by going to http://launchpad.net/~yourlaunchpadID .
It's not the cleanest way to implement but it works. On the front
screen of the spread ubuntu site click the "login with openid" link,
then paste your openid url in from launchpad. It will then ask for
your email address (messy) and once you type that in you'll get a
verification email. Click the link in the verify email and it will
take you back to the site and ask for a password (again, messy), and
that's it. You should then be able to sign out and back in using your
openid url which is matched to the site user just created.

I suspect this is just down to the messy way that the drupal openid
module works, but it does work.


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