[ubuntu-uk] more issues with 8.10

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Sun Nov 2 11:42:51 GMT 2008

2008/11/2 Ken Robson <ken at robsonfamily.co.uk>:
> Since I installed 8.10 64bit as a fresh install, when I eject a cd
> (using right click eject) it immediately closed it again before I have
> time to remove the cd.

Sounds like you may have found a bug in Ubuntu.

You could report this bug so that in the future it could be fixed for
yourself and other Ubuntu uses. It could be a problem with the
nautilus file manager so you could file a bug against that.

If you haven't already you will need a http://launchpad.net account.

You can file a bug against nautilus via this URL:-


> Due to the high number of issues I am going to be removing it and trying
> a different distro.

That's a shame. I hope that if you have problems on another less than
perfect distro, you find a way to inform them of the bugs you find.


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