[ubuntu-uk] How to sync Liferea on two PCs

LeeGroups mailgroups at varga.co.uk
Sat May 31 23:30:20 BST 2008

>> Rsync shouldn't mess up the folder structure, I use it to do backups of  
>> my photos, and there are 1,000's of them in hundreds of folders.
>> I'd guess that you've got a dodgy option in there somewhere.
>> If the permissions are getting lost, why not just reset them when you've 
>> rsync'ed the files back to the local drive.
> Lee >>> You're right - rsync didn't mess up the directory structure on 
> the drive;  but the 'folders' within Liferea were missing.  (Liferea 
> allows you to 'group' feeds under headings of your choice;  and it was 
> this that didn't get preserved - something going wrong with the Liferea 
> cache and database files?)
> I may have been misleading by mentioning permissions;  I suspect it's 
> the owner/group information that matters, and that's what's getting lost 
> (though I'd be the first to admit I don't really understand Unix 
> ownerships/permissions).
> But frankly reading some news feeds is not a serious enough matter to 
> spend time reconstructing the data in order to use get a synced view of 
> Liferea. ;-)
Ah! All you've done is to miss off the 'r' option that recurses into sub 

The permission one is easy to fix too. All the files/folders would have 
belonged to you!
So a quick chown command (with the recursive option) will straighten it 
all out once the rsync has finished...

Put them both in the same script file (with the bin/bash command on the 
first line) and set it executable with a chmod +x and you're done!

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