[ubuntu-uk] How to sync Liferea on two PCs

Mac Ammonius.Grammaticus at googlemail.com
Fri May 30 23:57:25 BST 2008

Neil Greenwood wrote:
>> Only one - switching to Google Reader.
>> Not ideal, but it solved my synchronisation problems.

Neil >>> I thought about that;  but I'm reluctant to entrust more to web 
services than I absolutely need to after listening to this tour-de-force 
about privacy from Eben Moglen:


John Levin wrote:
> If they're both on the same lan, it should just be a matter of syncing 
> the .liferea folder in your home directories.

Narrf wrote:
> To sync my feeds up between my main laptop, Ubuntu-vmware image on my 
> Windows work-supplied laptop and the desktop in my home office (aka back 
> of garage! :)) I just rsync my liferea profile to my home/backup server.

John / Stuart >>> I'd sort of hoped I could run Liferea directly with 
its profile on a network drive, as I do with Thunderbird - so there'd be 
no need to rsync.  Looks like it's not possible to change the Liferea 
configuration to do that.

But the solution you suggest is good:  I just do a 'before and after' 
rsync between whichever machine I'm using and a network drive.  And I 
liked your idea, Stuart, of using a bash alias to 'get' and 'put'. 
Neat.  (Of course, all my stuff is on my LAN, so no need to use ssh.)

Many thanks to all three of you for your time and trouble.


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