[ubuntu-uk] Rules

James Dalley j.dalley at hotmail.co.uk
Tue May 20 00:35:54 BST 2008

> > > John Atkinson wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Look guys
> > > >
> > > > The only thing I want to see in my inbox is constructive debates
> > > >
> > > > I don’t want to see whinging I didn’t subscribe to this!!!
> > > >
> > > > John
> > > >
> >
> > You did subscibe to this or you wouldn't have known what your 
> > responding to!!
> > Plus, your response _is_ whinging, as I see no constuctive debate(your 
> > words)!
> > I pointed out what was my bug bear, but also stated that I hate 
> > arguing about how we should post, (
> > this is sent in HTML that some may hate/hotmail even more!!).
> > I wish there was a standard we all stuck to, be it top/bottom/random 
> > posting..
> >
> > J
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Messenger's gone Mobile! Get it now! 
> > <http://clk.atdmt.com/UKM/go/msnnkmgl0010000001ukm/direct/01/>
> Really, I know this may be hard to believe, but there a many, many more 
> important things than if there is a reply on the top or the bottom of an 
> email. As long as the content of the email is useful and is reasonably 
> easy to read, then who cares about where text is written.
> Mj.

 That couldn't be more true 99.9(rec)%, I use HM more todo with laziness than lack of ethics(Can I Transfer mail history to GMail so I can search?(Sorry OT).
 I would like there to be a standard, it is not such a problem on this list as others. But as the list is going (Growing that is) there is going to be longer and more intense/involved 
 threads, which may not be digest friendly, but you change your subscription to match your time and the usage of the list. A note with your monthly sub mail would be cool, with maybe 
2 or 3 notes.. ie 1 Stay on subject, if not notify your not.. (An OT notification maybe)  2 Post your message after the text, so someone new to the thread can read it like a book, start to end. 
3 Feel free to edit mails as long as basis of text is left, and inform if you have done so ie SNIP

To be honest I hate things like this, but it seems illogical to me how someone can reply above a question. I know some clients automatically TP for you, some of which are forced.
But to quote you, "As long as the content of the email is useful and is reasonably easy to read." Which sometimes it's not.

As i'll say again I know some see it as petty, but I don't. Constructive argument is welcome and wanted, I would love to be convinced random top/bottom posting is a valid way of conducting a argument/conversation, but apart from short threads this can become a problem.

Once, Twice and Thrice I think i'ts petty, actually i'm petty in some eyes but I can see no logical argument for random posting, Top OR Bottom would be fine, just one or the other (I was going to state a fact on caribs and driving on the left, but its stupid).


PS. I know there are more important things, like am I having a pickled onion with my supper would be number one at the moment. I've done my best to show how unimportant it 
is, but it seems as stupid as using a fork to eat soup to me. I have no problem with people eating soup with forks, but I feel it will do nothing for the soup or fork worlds. Again its stupid, but I can't see why anyone does unless forced by a mail client.


PSS. Just thought of a way to end this, "Hitler!" :)



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