[ubuntu-uk] {Spam?} Re: transferring files between Ubuntu and XP slow!!!!

Javad Ayaz javadayaz at gmail.com
Fri May 16 08:32:24 BST 2008

i have indeed read all the replies ....and pot shots aside did say i would
report back when i had finished experimenting!!!
I have actually tried connecting the comps ethernet to ethernet via patch
cable...but so far that hadnt improved things...i am YET to try to connect
directly via a crossover cable.

On a seperate note the xbox was connected via the router and did work fine
for its intended purpose!

On 15/05/2008, Matt Daubney <daubers at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 09:24:02PM +0100, Andrew Oakley wrote:
> > People have already pointed out that the most likely problem is that you
> > are using a crossover cable where you should be using a straight-through
> > cable, but you appear to have ignored them, or not bothered to read
> > their replies thoroughly. I expect I could start quoting nursery rhymes
> > such as humpty dumpy sat on a wall humpty dumpty had a great fall and
> > you wouldn't notice because you aren't paying attention to people's
> > replies to your questions.
> >
> I think you have a point here, but aside from repeating the point about
> cables (which is probably where the fault is) I think it's worth
> explaining why a cross-over cable might not be a suitable cable compared
> to a patch cable.
> A cross-over cable is wired differently to a patch (or straight through)
> cable. This is done so that 2 computers can be connected DIRECTLY
> without a router/switch in between them.
> A patch cable is designed to go from a computer to a switch/router, the
> switch/router then essentially does the crossover when it tells the data
> packet where to go.
> When networking computers, a DIRECT computer to computer cable should be
> a crossover cable and a connection with a switch or router in the middle
> should always be a patch cable.
> Replace the cable or cut out the router in the middle and let us know
> what happens.
> When I set up my first network this confused me a bit as well. It wasn't
> until I knew the physical differences between the two cables that it
> clicked that they're not interchangeable.
> I'd also be interested to know if your XBox was connected directly to
> your computer or if it went through the router as well.
> -Matt Daubney
> --
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