[ubuntu-uk] OpenSSL vulnerability - Normal desktop user?

James Westby jw+debian at jameswestby.net
Tue May 13 19:51:45 BST 2008

On Tue, 2008-05-13 at 19:38 +0100, alan c wrote:
> as a normal desktop user who does not log into other machines - am I 
> correct in thinking it does not affect me?
> In a terminal
>   dpkg -l openssh-server
> indicates it is not installed

Hi Alan,

That indicates that you don't have a vulnerable server key, which is a
good start.

The other two things to consider are

  * SSH client keys. If you don't "ssh" to other machines then you 
    are unlikely to have them. Check the contents of "~/.ssh/" to
    make sure.
  * Other OpenSSL secrets. Most common would be SSL certificates for
    doing SSL, either server-side or client-side. If you don't run
    a webserver the former is very unlikely, and the latter is pretty
    unlikely as well.



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