[ubuntu-uk] command line converting vid files

Kris Douglas webbox.uk at gmail.com
Mon May 12 12:45:59 BST 2008

On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 7:23 AM, Philip Newborough
<mail at philipnewborough.co.uk> wrote:
> > Perhaps we need a better description of what this mailing list is about?
> >
> > Suggestions welcome.
> >
> I think "British Ubuntu Talk" works quite well, however, over the last
> few months I have read some threads on the list where the contributers
> would maybe have benefited from reading a list description/etiquette
> guide.
> Unfortunately these threads are likely to increase as the list grows
> in popularity, so maybe now would be a good time to introduce a list
> guide? Personally, I would not like to see the emergence of any "list
> police", but maybe just a gentle pointer to a guide within the default
> list signature?
> Also, I think it is a real shame that _anyone_ is put in a position
> where they feel they cannot post to the list -- whether that be
> because of frequency of posts, or for telling jokes of debatable
> quality.
> BTW, I have been a happy subscriber for sometime, and will remain so :)

I have been thinking about what you said, I think maybe, a monthly
message on the list, containing a basic etiquette guide, and some
rules of the list... I guess that could help nail some basic mailing
list rules into people's heads... (meant in the nicest way possible)

Kris Douglas
 Softdel Limited Hosting Services
 Web: www.softdel.net
 Mail: kris at softdel.net

Company No. 6135915
Registered in England And Northern Ireland

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