[ubuntu-uk] command line converting vid files

Javad Ayaz javadayaz at gmail.com
Mon May 12 10:21:43 BST 2008

indeed i could have interpertated seans comments as non constructive and
personal....but i do understand and appericiate the point that was being

my objective is to learn and better my self and not having to rely on a "
helpline" when i have a problem with my pc...which i do all the time!

On 12/05/2008, Stephen O'Neill <squid at thefloatingfrog.co.uk> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Javad Ayaz wrote:
> | i do indeed research the topic before i post! and i will normally only
> | post...if im unsure of something!
> There were some of your earlier posts which seemed like they would have
> benefited from just a little research on your part - it seemed to me
> that it saved you 5 minutes but cost, I dunno, say 200 subscribers 5
> minutes each so cost the world 17 hours.
> If this list were to swell with requests like this from lots of other
> users then it would become unusable, forums are better setup to deal
> with that kind of thing as they're more hierarchical and much easier to
> dip in and out of when subscribers have time. The emails from this list
> land in my mailbox so it's harder to filter out those that interest me.
> As such keeping posts to the theme of the group title is a must although
> it sounds like that the title of this group may change anyway.
> It's clear to me that your motivation is to learn so I cannot knock that
> at all. Plus I should say though that I was interested to hear how the
> non-technical mind works with regards to your torrent downloading hard
> drive - I was baffled at first but I can see now how you made the
> conclusion which you did.
> I'm pleased you've taken the comments on here constructively rather than
> personally, it is often hard to pick up the tone of people's words when
> you can't hear their voice.
> Good luck with your 'buntu!
> - --
> Stephen O'Neill
> w: http://www.thefloatingfrog.co.uk/
> e: squid at thefloatingfrog.co.uk
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
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> jkIghcpWyv3UXvOcx/qpgC4=
> =sdhl
> --
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