[ubuntu-uk] SSH through FIrewall

Chris Rowson christopherrowson at gmail.com
Sun May 11 20:51:05 BST 2008

> Thanks for all the replies I will try this out when she gets the
> time! :) to use hamachi i will need to set up some dynamic dns service,
> with SSH i can just connect to localhost.
> I am not sure what that command does, I will have to do some reading on
> how screen works, but I tried it on a machine in my network, and the
> result a normal ssh session into the remote machine. In case there is
> something wrong, I will look into how to setup a reverse ssh tunnel, and
> then try to figure it out, thanks for the help.
> Peace,
> Seif A.

Hi there,

Glad you got that sorted out :-)

Just to clear up one point though, Hamachi doesn't require DNS or static IP
addresses. Once you have installed Hamachi and joined a password protected
network, any other computer connecting to that network will be able to see
the other computers connected to it.

Each PC is issued with a private IP address on Hamachi (for instance
and this doesn't change even if the machines 'real' IP address does.


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