[ubuntu-uk] Manchester Free Software : RMS Video

Lucy lucybridges at gmail.com
Sun May 11 09:09:10 BST 2008

On 11/05/2008, Andrew Oakley <andrew at aoakley.com> wrote:
> Lucy wrote:
>  > How to make money from free software is an interesting and difficult
>  > topic
> I really don't think that's true - for me, it's a straightforward and
>  simple topic that has provided over 12 years of stable employment.
>  As a programmer or project manager, I've written or helped write plenty
>  of systems based on free software. For example, as development manager
>  for MessageLabs' anti-spam service for four years. This was a well-paid
>  job which used free software almost exclusively (notably, spamassassin).
>  We customised lots of free software to fit our employer's requirements,
>  and contributed any improvements back to the free project.

Thanks for your comments. It's always really interesting to hear other
people's stories about making money from free software. Unfortunately,
a lot of employers don't see it this way, actually a lot of
programmers don't see it either. I live with two people who make a
living writing proprietary software and sometimes it seems like we are
fighting an uphill battle to convince people that free software is

>  The way to make money from free software is to find an employer who
>  wants something custom, bespoke, written for them. You then take a free
>  software package as your starting point, write the customisations, get
>  paid, and release it.

.. that's very true and a technique I will try to remember in future,
as I can see it coming in handy for certain employers!

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