[ubuntu-uk] SSH through FIrewall

Adam Bagnall bagnaj97 at googlemail.com
Sat May 10 10:35:00 BST 2008

On Sat, 2008-05-10 at 09:37 +0100, Seif Attar wrote:
> Hello,
> My mother's machine in Jordan running ubuntu feisty needs some
> maintenance, she is behind a router firewall, which she cannot open a
> port on.
> Is there a  way to gain access to that  machine through the firewall? is
> there something she can do on her machine (like connect to my machine
> via SSH and forword port 999 on my local machine to port 22 on her
> machine) and then i can connect to my local machine:999 and gain access
> to her machine, is such a thing possible? if yes, how do I go about it?
> thanx,
> Seif A.
I think you can solve this problem using a reverse ssh tunnel. There's
quite a bit of info on google. Someone else might know more but I've
never tried it.
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