[ubuntu-uk] problem with lite on DVD?

Kris Douglas webbox.uk at gmail.com
Thu May 8 12:19:39 BST 2008

Does the drive support rw? Some older ones only support single write
dvd's. Try getting some single write disks from tesco for a few quid.

On 5/8/08, Javad Ayaz <javadayaz at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I cant get my DVD rom to burn. To be specific Its a Lite on 20A1H. I was
> using a TDK +RW but for some reason it wont burn. I can burn a normal dvd
> non RW dvd. and CD as well.
> Can anyone suggest what i could try to solve this problem?
> I have posted this prob before....is it a prob with Lite on and TDK?

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Kris Douglas
      Softdel Limited Hosting Services
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      Mail: kris at softdel.net

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