[ubuntu-uk] Hardy crashing

colum.phillips at talktalk.net colum.phillips at talktalk.net
Wed May 7 19:13:27 BST 2008

 Hi I have been having similar problems with 7.1 locks up solid when trying to retrieve mail from talktalk or when trying to watch Utube items on Totem. problem seemed to start after installing the plugin required to view Utube. I have also been trying to configure send mail so this could be conflicting.
Any suggestions appreciated.





-----Original Message-----
From: James Tyrrell <james.r.tyrrell at googlemail.com>
To: British Ubuntu Talk <ubuntu-uk at lists.ubuntu.com>
Sent: Wed, 7 May 2008 12:48
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] Hardy crashing

2008/5/7 Thomas Ibbotson <thomas.ibbotson at gmail.com>:

Hi all,

Has anyone had Hardy crash recently? It has happened now twice to me in

the last couple of days, once on my desktop and now once on my laptop. I

think I was trying to watch a flash video in firefox the first time

although I'm not sure. The second time it was on trying to play a .ram

in totem. It was a hard crash, I couldn't do anything except do a hard

reboot, CTRL-Backspace and CTRL-ALT-F1 did not do anything.

Hey when you say crashed were you still able to move your mouse? Or was that a no go, I've had a similar problem where the system just locks, no keyboard commands do anything and while I can move the mouse the system needs a hard restart to fix the problem. Usually (suspiciously...) if I have OpenOffice open. 


I have hardy-proposed active btw.


Anyone else had similar issues?



ubuntu-uk at lists.ubuntu.com


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