[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Re-Spins

Andrew Oakley andrew at aoakley.com
Mon May 5 08:24:17 BST 2008

Ian Pascoe wrote:
> During the life of a supported release, non LTS and LTS,  are the CD ISO
> images ever re-spun to incorporate any type of updates?

Dapper 6.06 LTS CD ISO was re-spun as 6.06.2 a couple of months ago.

> I know that the art of a CD spin is very much achieved through majic,
> quantum mathmatics, rocket science and the application of TARDIS,

Actually the opposite is true - there's a tool to help you create your 
own re-spins:


There are others too, such as remastersys and reconstructor.

 > but what about the larger capacity DVDs?

A DVD of Dapper does exist, I know this because it came with "The 
Official Ubuntu Book". Also there's a Hardy DVD:


Dunno about the other versions. It wouldn't be much trouble to download 
UCK, remastersys or reconstructor and try out burning a DVD.

Andrew Oakley

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