[ubuntu-uk] Ripping and converting a dvd!

Michael G Fletcher mgfletcher at mgfletcher.com
Fri May 2 11:42:26 BST 2008

Javad Ayaz wrote:
> Hi,
> A bit of a weird one this. I want to rip a DVD and then convert it to 
> avi.
> Only thing is i have media centre pc and in that pc i have a dual core 
> 6600. Coz of lack of space it gets extremely hot..and is automatically 
> set to shut down when it reaches a certain temp ( tht temp being 80 deg).
> So basically i want something that whilst converting and ripping i can 
> pause....let the temp cool down a bit...and then resume after.
> Its prob a long shot...but i thought worth a try!!!
You can also try thoggen, very simple to use gui.  Only problem I can 
see is that it only supports ripping to ogg vorbis at the moment.  
Thoggen should let you pause as well.

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