[ubuntu-uk] was :How to torrent on a remote machine: was:Idea- Torrents!...now :help to do this!!!!

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Thu May 1 10:30:38 BST 2008

On Thu, 2008-05-01 at 09:26 +0100, Javad Ayaz wrote:
> Ok inspired by Alans idea ive decided to go ahead with this. 

Yay! By "this" I guess you mean "make a machine which I can use for
torrenting when my desktop is switched off"?

> Im just wondering if someone can write this up in a bit more clear
> english


>  Also i use Ktorrent.

On a desktop system running Kubuntu, that's not susprising. However if
you want a very small, low power, low noise device which is _only_ going
to be downloading torrents then installing the full KDE desktop is
massive overkill.

I appreciate that you're not an expert with *buntu but having a command
line based system (maybe based on an nslu2) would be pretty easy to do,
and the vast majority of instructions have already been provided in that
lengthy mail I already sent.

>  Whats the best nslu2 to go for? 

The nslu2 is a specific device from Linksys. Other small-form-factor
machines are available. Personally I just use an old PC, but I did
provide links to other options yesterday.

> from where? 


Whilst the lintop and aleutia will come with linux and a graphical
environment pre-installed, the nslu2 will probably not, and might end up
being more work. 

http://www.nslu2-linux.org/ has lots of info about the slug (nslu2).

> Im currently running gutsy but thinking of installing hardy (desktop
> addition). anything else i should look out for?

Again, running a full graphical desktop is somewhat overkill for a
single function device.

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