[ubuntu-uk] Using bzr, was: Wanted: Podcast transcribers

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Thu Jun 26 23:33:14 BST 2008

On Thu, 2008-06-26 at 22:38 +0100, Ian Pascoe wrote:
> I suggest, apologies if already suggested, in splitting the podcast not into
> equal chunks but into the more logical articles, and where an article is
> long - say the interview with Jono, or difficult due to language barriers
> for the interviewee, the article is split up itself.

That does indeed make a lot of sense.

> I think that the biggest question mark we have will be over the format of
> the transcribed text, and whether it's to be an exact copy of what's said or
> edited highlights; by the latter I mean where there are additional
> commentary in the background from other members of the cast, or passers by.

Dave and I drew up a few guidelines, I'll try and get these out
tomorrow. I was busy this evening getting the podcast online.

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