[ubuntu-uk] Wanted: Podcast transcribers

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Wed Jun 25 14:31:34 BST 2008

On Wed, 2008-06-25 at 13:24 +0100, Philip Stubbs wrote:
> Is there any particular format or layout required? 

I didn't give it that much thought. I figured that the most time
consuming thing was to actually do the transcription itself, so as long
as it's in a human readable format (unicode text) then we can "post
process" it to add in links etc later?

Do you have a better suggestion? Anyone seen what other podcasts do? I
know there are pay-for services ranging from 30-40 cents USD per minute,
but we thought this might be a way to get people involved with the bonus
of not having to spend any money.

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