[ubuntu-uk] please, help me buy a laptop.

Andrew Oakley andrew at aoakley.com
Sat Jun 21 20:56:04 BST 2008

James Grabham wrote:
>     Dell Vostro 1310?- business grade, should have decent compatibility-
> They start at £250, plus VAT, plus £60 delivery!   Far too expensive, 
> shame, I'd love one.

Ring them. Explain your total budget is £300 and not a penny more. 
They'll almost certainly knock the price down, especially this time of 
year (the business people who buy laptops in bulk are on holiday this 
time of year, and the home market doesn't pick up till nearer 
Christmas). Be cheeky and ask if they can throw in dual core AND 
delivery for 300 notes.

Mention you're happy to have Vista Home (it's not like you'll be running 
DX10 games on a low-end desktop), since you plan to dual-boot into 
Ubuntu anyway.

I've had a Dell Inspiron 1520 for about 6 months now, total Ubuntu 
bliss; everything works. Dell even gave free laptops to Ubuntu 
developers for Hardy development.

A friend at work has a Vostron, they're lovely solid reliable machines. 
And with Dell you know the hardware drivers will work with Ubuntu.

Andrew Oakley

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