[ubuntu-uk] 8.04.1 iso?

James Westby jw+debian at jameswestby.net
Thu Jul 3 20:21:20 BST 2008

On Thu, 2008-07-03 at 20:08 +0100, Mac wrote:
> Does anybody know whether the current iso is now 8.04.1?  it was 
> supposed to be released today, but I haven't seen a notice, and it's not 
> at all obvious how you'd tell!
> (I'm planning to do an install, and it would make sense to use the iso 
> with all the updates and bug fixes)

I'd give it a couple more hours yet. It's still planned to be released
today as far as I know, but for releases it's more US "today" than
UK "today".



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